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Inbound Campaign Configuration Guide


Inbound Campaigns are used to service customers, directing them to information or the right agent. Agents and calls are grouped through a Workflow in the IVR that directs callers towards the correct campaign (ie one that has agents with the right skills or is in the correct geographical region).

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Configuration from the Campaigns menu.

  3. Select an Inbound campaign from the list or create a new campaign.

The Campaign holds general configurations once created you will also need to configure the following:

  • A list of agents assigned to the campaign. 
    See Queues

  • A workflow designed to route the calls to the most suitable agent. 
    See Workflows

  • A script that assists the agents in properly conducting the interaction. 
    See Scripts

  • Campaign data fields so that relevant data about the interaction can be captured. 
    See Data Fields

  • Wrap Codes that are used to summarise the interaction outcome 
    See Wrap Codes and Add to Queue Setting

1. Add or Edit an Inbound Campaign

This feature allows you to create and maintain inbound campaigns. 

Where to find this feature

  1. Open the Workspace

  2. Select Configuration from the Campaigns menu

    1. To add a new campaign:

      • Click Create Campaign

      • Select Inbound campaign from the drop-down selection list

      • Click Create. The Campaign Configuration wizard opens

    2. To edit an existing campaign:

      • Select the campaign you wish to edit

      • Click Edit next to General Settings

  3. Enter the Campaign Details as described in the tables below

  4. Click Next to progress through the wizard when creating a new campaign, or click Save for any changes to an existing campaign

2. Campaign Configuration




Campaign Title (required)

Enter a meaningful name for the new campaign.

Campaign Description

Enter a short description of the campaign for later reference.

Campaign Group

Select the pre-existing group which is to be assigned to the campaign.

Teams (required)

Select the pre-existing teams which are to be assigned to the campaign

Campaign Priority

See Understanding Queue Priorities

MOH Playlist

Select a playlist to be used for Music on Hold.
Playlists are created using the Files module. See Resources > Files > Music on Hold Playlists

Published CLI

Select which CLI is to be used for transfers in this campaign. There is a choice of the Caller CLI (which is the default), Agent CLI, Organisation CLI, withholding the CLI, or selecting a specific numeric CLI.

If Caller CLI is selected, this will only apply to transfers within the contact centre - that is, to connected agents. For privacy reasons, if the call is transferred to a party outside the contact centre (even a remote agent), the Caller CLI will not be passed on, and instead will be replaced by the Organisation CLI.

Auto wrap time

Select the duration that the system waits before the call is wrapped automatically. The agent has this interval to commence applying a wrap code.

Extended auto wrap time

This drop down appears when an Autowrap time is selected.

This enables an agent to extend the auto wrap time by the amount of time you specify here if they need extra time to wrap the call

Auto select wrap code

This drop down appears when an Autowrap time is selected.

Select the wrap code that is applied to a call when Auto Wrap occurs.

Enable Sound Quality Feedback

Click in the checkbox to enable a quality rating display which the agent will see when wrapping a call, and which will require them to rate the voice quality of the most recent call between one and five by clicking on one of five stars. One star represents the lowest score and therefore the worst call quality rating. 

Survey Call Ratio

Select a ratio from 10% to 100% or select 'No Survey.'
A setting of 50% will mean one in two callers are surveyed; a setting of 10% will mean one in ten callers are surveyed. 

Email Channel

Select the email channel that will be used for the campaign.
The default selection is the organisation email channel.

Survey Workflow

Enter the name of the workflow you have created to conduct the Post-call Survey.
See Post Call Survey for information on how to include this in your campaign. 

Survey minimum call length

Determine the length of time a call needs to be to qualify for a Post-call survey. Options range between 1-10 minutes or select ‘No minimum’ to include a survey for all calls.

Enable Call Recording

Enable the recording of all calls made in the campaign.
This setting will only be displayed if call recordings are enabled in the Organisation Settings

Start recording automatically when agent connects

This option appears when Enable Call Recording is selected.

Click on the check box to start recording calls as soon as the agent and contact are connected. Alternatively, you may elect to not start recording immediately, to allow the agent time to request the contact's permission to record the call. If and when permission is given, the agent can stop & start the recording manually.

This setting will only be activated if call recording is enabled.

Allow agent to start/pause/resume recording

Click on the check box to enable controls for agents to start, pause, and resume recording during an interaction. This feature may be useful if the agents will be accepting confidential information that must not be recorded.

This setting will only be available if call recording is enabled.

If credit card payment or transaction tokenisation is required to be processed, ipSCAPE offers a PCI compliant payment solution ipSCAPE Pay.

For more information, reach out to your Account Manager or ipSCAPE Support for more information on this feature.

Continue call recording after external transfer

Click on the checkbox to enable the call recording after the call has been transferred externally (attended or blinded) to a pre-defined phone number in the transfer pool, or a valid number dialed by the agent.

By default, this checkbox is disabled.

This setting will only be available if call recording is enabled.

Enable call recording during consultation

Click on the checkbox to enable the call recording during the consultation phase of a call (this is only possible for attended transfers via an agent, external phone number or workflow).

By default, this checkbox is disabled.

This setting will only be available if call recording is enabled.

Allow transfer to any phone number

Enables the ability for Agents in the campaign to conduct a transfer to a free-typed number not configured by an administrator in the workspace by selecting Other Number from the Transfers menu in the Agent Toolbar:





Select the appropriate Region for the campaign. This setting populates the Timezone drop down list box below with the available time zones for that region.


Select the appropriate Timezone for the campaign. This setting is applied if the campaign uses a "Validate Operational Hours" workflow object to check whether the contact centre is operational when an incoming call is received.
The default value for this setting is the Organisation Timezone.




Email Channel

Select the email channel from the drop-down to be used for the campaign

Allow free-format emails

Click in the checkbox to enable agents to send free-format email replies. If this is not checked, agents will only be able to send emails based on pre-defined email templates.


The Announcements tab in the Agent Toolbar provides the facility for agents to play pre-recorded messages at any time to contacts. This could be used, for example, to play a pre-recorded warning that calls will be recorded, or play a pre-recorded explanation of contractual terms and conditions.

This section of campaign settings allows you to select which of the available sound files are made available to agents in the campaign. You can select any one or more of the sound files previously uploaded into the sound files repository through the Resources/Files menu.

If no sound files are selected, the Announcements tab will not be displayed to agents, and playing of pre-recorded messages will not be possible in the campaign.


Enter the details required to add a merchant to the campaign and click Add account



Payment Account

Select the Merchant to be used when processing payments for this Campaign. The Merchant is configured in Integration under ipSCAPE PAY.

Account Alias

Enter a meaningful name for the Payment account that can be recognised by agents.

Service Level

The Service Level Period and the Short Call Duration are both applied to the duration after the incoming call leaves the IVR workflow and enters the campaign queue.


What you should do

Service Level Period

Input the period, in seconds, against which the Service Level metric for this campaign is calculated. For example, if the target Service Level is "90% of calls answered within 20 seconds", then the Service Level Period is 20 seconds.
The default setting is 20 seconds.

Short Call Duration

Input the period, in seconds, within which a call that is hung up by the contact is considered as a "short call" and is not included in the calculated Service Level metric. If you do not want to make any allowance for short calls, set the value to 0.
The default setting is 10 seconds.

A Service Level metric is widely used in inbound contact centres, typically as a target or SLA (e.g. "90% of calls should be answered within 20 seconds"). However, the method of calculating it varies considerably between centres. Therefore, the method used by the Cloud Contact Centre has been designed to be very flexible and, by adjusting two settings, is able to generate the Service Level metric in a way that will suit most contact centres.

The settings are:

  • Service Level Period (t), which is typically set to between 20 and 30 seconds (the default is 20 seconds), and

  • Short Call Duration (x), which is typically set to between 5 and 10 seconds (the default is 10 seconds).


    The Service Level Period and the Short Call Duration are both applied to the duration after the incoming call leaves the IVR workflow and enters the campaign queue.

To explain the use of these settings, an explanation of the derivation of the various service level metrics is required.

The parameters to be used in the Service Level formula are:




Total calls answered


Total calls abandoned


Total calls answered within t seconds


Total calls abandoned within t seconds


Total short calls - that is, total calls abandoned within x seconds (where x < t)

The formula implemented is:

Service Level = (Ant+Abx) / (An+Ab)

This formula gives a contact centre the ability to calculate Service Level using many different variants of the one formula. The three main variants can be illustrated by the following examples:

  • The simplest variant is the most conservative and ignores short calls entirely, by setting x = 0. It therefore only gives credit for answered calls, and treats all abandoned calls as if they should have been answered, but weren't:

Service Level = Ant / (An+Ab)

  • The most generous variant is achieved by choosing values of t and x to be the same (e.g. t = 20, and x = 20). This means any calls abandoned within the Service Level Period are considered to have been answered, and the formula becomes:

Service Level = (Ant+Abt) / (An+Ab)

  • The middle ground is achieved by setting x to a value less than t (e.g. t = 20, and x = 5). This means only very short calls that are abandoned within the first x seconds are counted as though they would have been answered, and the formula remains:

Service Level = (Ant+Abx) / (An+Ab)  

3. Agents

  1. To assign agents to a campaign, select Unassigned to show all agents that can be assigned to the campaign

  2. Next to the agent to be assigned, select a priority from Low to High to assign

  3. To unassign agents from a campaign, select Assigned to show all agents currently assigned to the campaign

  4. Next to the agent to be removed, click the Unassign agent icon

4. Data Fields

See Campaign Data Fields for more information

5. Wrap Codes

This dialog allows you to edit the list of wrap codes that an agent can access when wrapping an interaction with a contact for the selected campaign.

  1. Click the Unassigned button to show all wrap codes available to be assigned.

  2. Locate the wrap code from the list or by the search function to assign and click the Assign wrap code icon

  3. To remove a wrap code, click the Assigned button to show all assigned wrap codes and click the Unassign wrap code icon next to the wrap code

Add to Queue - See here for more information

6. Script Builder

See Scripts for more information

7. Transfers

See Transfers for more information

8. Quality Assurance Setup

See Quality Assurance Setup for more information

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