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Organisation Settings


The Organisation Settings module allows a User to configure the organisation-wide settings for the contact centre. Where to find Settings:

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Settings from the Administration menu.

The Organisation Settings is organised into two sections (tabs):

  • General:

    • Timezone Settings

    • Agent Toolbar Settings

    • Predictive Dialler Settings

    • Call Settings

    • Chat Settings

    • Email Settings

  • Login and Security

    • Security Settings

    • Active Directory Settings

    • Single Sign On

1. General Settings

1.1 Timezone Settings

These settings define two parameters that adjust the operation of the system to meet local conventions - the organisation timezone and the date format used in all record displays.




The Organisation region defines the location of the contact centre and implicitly defines the rules for the application of daylight savings time. It is used to control when events occur in the system, to try and ensure all operations take place at times that are convenient to the affected parties. However, since a contact centre may have agents in multiple timezones, and be servicing contacts in multiple timezones, separate timezone settings are also available for users, agents, contacts and campaigns. Obviously, if the contact centre's operations are confined to just one timezone, all these timezone settings will be the same. 


The Organisation Timezone can be selected by first selecting the region, and then the specific timezone within that region, from the drop-down lists. 

The fields in the drop-down lists use the IANA Timezone database. The IANA convention refers to timezones using a concatenation of the region and the local timezone description, separated by a '/' character. For example, "Australia/Sydney". 

This is a required field.

Date display format

The date format affects how dates are displayed for all users throughout the system. Multiple formats are supported, reflecting the main date formatting conventions used around the world.

1.2 Agent Toolbar Settings

These settings are used to define agent settings in the toolbar

Field name


Enforce valid pause reason

Select to enforce selection of a valid pause reason

Agent can request assistance (Agent assist)

Enables or disables the Agent Assist functionality for the agents in the organisation.

If the checkbox is disabled, the Agent assistance icon will not be visible on the Agent toolbar.

These settings are set by the administration team and apply to all Agent Toolbar users.

1.3 Predictive Dialler Settings 

These settings control how the predictive dialler manages its call abandonment rates and how restricted the agent is when dialling has commenced on their behalf. A Predictive Dialler is a software module that dials a list of telephone numbers and connects any answered calls to available agents.

In an Outbound Campaign, the Dialler makes calls to the leads provided. The dialler can be configured using this section. A dialler is a software module that dials a list of telephone numbers and connects any answered calls to available agents.

The Cloud Contact Centre predictive dialler uses statistical algorithms to minimize the time that agents spend waiting between conversations while minimizing the occurrence of someone answering when no agent is available. 

The predictive dialler is also adaptive, which means it is continually updating predictive dialling probabilities and managing the dialler strategies for performance and compliance with legislation, for example, the Telecommunications Industry Standard (Telemarketing and Research Calls) Industry Standard 2017



Dialler Maximum Abandon Rate (%)

Enter a number that the predictive dialler will use as its upper limit for abandoned calls. When the abandoned calls % approaches this figure, the adaptive dialler will lower its call ratios. Some telecommunication authorities mandate a maximum abandoned calls rate.

Accepts a number between 0% and 100%. The default setting is 0%.

Limit Actions when Dialling

The dialler starts dialling one or more calls for an agent as soon as the agent's state changes to 'Available'. So, if the agent goes to pause, or logs out, or makes a manual call, the dialler may not be able to find an available agent to whom to allocate any of the dialled calls which are answered. This can lead to a dialler hangup. You can prevent this happening by enabling this setting, which causes the pause, log out and manual call functions to be disabled when the system is dialling for the agent. 

The default setting is enabled. 

When this feature is enabled, the agent will be unable to log out except in one of two states: 

  1. The agent is in an Available state and the dialler isn't dialling 

  2. The agent is in a Paused state

In all other agent states, any attempt to log out will be rejected with an error message saying: "Logout is not permitted from the current state".  

If there are no leads left to be called, pauselog out, and make manual call will not be disabled, irrespective of the state of this setting.

1.4 Call Settings

These settings determine the organisation settings for:

  • How call recordings are managed

  • Whether manual calls can be assigned to campaigns

  • What CLI is offered by default

  • The default dialler strategy used for each list used in an outbound campaign



Organisation CLI

The CLI (Caller Line Identification) is the phone number that is displayed to the called party when a call is connected. This can be set at the Organisation level with this setting.

This setting can be overridden, in specific circumstances by the Agent CLI setting in Edit Agent Details and/or the Campaign CLI setting in Create or Edit Outbound Campaign.

Default MOH Playlist

Select the playlist that will be used by default for music on hold. See Resources > Files > Playlists.

Agent Ring Timeout

This can be used for Remote Agents. When set, the system will attempt to connect to the Agent and if the Agent does not answer within the specified time, the agent state will be automatically set to auto-pause.

Options to select range from 15 seconds to 1 minute.

External Ring Timeout

This can be used to set the time out for Outbound Calls. When set, the system will mark the call as "No Answer" if the Customer does not answer the call in the specified time.

Options to select range from 15 seconds to 1 minute.

Enable Call Recording

Click the checkbox to enable the recording of calls between contacts and agents. The agent to contact leg is recorded, capturing everything the contact and agent says and hears excluding the on-hold music or DTMF tones captured during a ipSCAPE Pay transaction which are not recorded

Encrypt Call Recording

Click the checkbox to enable the encryption of recordings of calls between contacts and agents. When enabled, this feature prevents call recordings from being downloaded to the desktop as an MP3 file.

An encrypted recording can only be replayed in the workspace, however, copies of encrypted call recordings can be requested from the ipSCAPE Service Desk by raising a ticket including the Interaction ID.

Allow transfers outside campaign

Click the checkbox to enable or disable agents from transferring calls to other agents outside the designated campaign.
Upon selecting the checkbox, agents will be able to transfer calls to agents outside the campaign of the Interaction.

Calls transferred to an agent outside the assigned campaign would not be transferrable back to the original agent.

Passive convert to outbound

This setting allows Agents to convert an inbound call to an outbound campaign which the agent is not directly assigned to.

  • None

    • The existing behaviour for ‘Convert to Outbound’ is exhibited across the entire Agent Toolbar / CTI experience.

  • Custom

    • If the Agent is not directly assigned to an outbound campaign, it will only be possible to convert to the inbound call to an outbound call to the active campaigns specified in the input dropdown list supplied in the ‘Administration > Organisation settings' module.

  • All

    • The Agent will be fully empowered to transfer the call to any active outbound campaigns in the workspace.

An Agent must be in the same team (irrespective of whether it is public or private) in order to properly engage with the ‘passive conversion to an outbound call’. Failure to do this will result in no visibility of the destination campaign.

1.5 Chat Settings

These settings define how the organisation manages chat campaigns.



Maximum active chats

Set the number of concurrent chats in which an agent is allowed to participate. Select between one and five.

Default Theme

Set the default chat theme for the organisation. A campaign may use the default theme or may set its own theme for the campaign.

A Chat Theme must be set up before it appears in the 'Chat Theme' drop-down box.

1.6 Email Settings



Maximum active emails

Set the number of concurrent emails in which an agent is allowed to participate. Select between one and five.

Default Email Channel

These settings define the default email channel to be used for sending emails. An email campaign is most likely to use a campaign-specific email channel, however, this setting determines the channel used for the sending of generated reports, call recordings, and system alerts.

The channel settings define the default email channel to be used for sending emails. The SMTP server settings for the selected channel are used for this purpose. 

The default Email Channel is used in the following situations: 

  • When sending scheduled reports or report snapshots to users.

  • When sending a call recording by email. 

Click on the field to open the drop-down selection list. Select an email channel from the list.

An email channel must be set up for it to appear in the ‘Default Email Channel’ dropdown.

2. Login and Security Settings

2.1 Security Settings

These settings are set by the administration team and apply to all workspace users. These settings specify password and login protocols that are enforced for Workspace and Toolbar users



Minimum Password Length

Enter a number that will be used to ensure a minimum number of characters in a password. Options include:

  • 8

  • 12

  • 16

  • 20

Maximum Wrong Password Attempts

Enter a number that sets how many failed login attempts are allowed before an account is disabled. Options include:

  • 3

  • 5

  • 10

If the maximum number of incorrect password attempts is exceeded for a Workspace User or Toolbar Agent, the account will be locked and an error message will appear.

The account lock will automatically be lifted 15 minutes after the last failed password attempt.

Alternatively, a Workspace User can manually unlock the account before the 15-minute period by resetting the password for the locked account, either for the Workspace User or Toolbar Agent.

CTI agent lock.jpg

Allow Multiple Workspace Logins

Enables multiple users to log in to the Workspace using the same user details, or one user can log in from multiple locations

This will reduce the ability to audit who performs actions on the system

Session Time Out Period

Select a session time out period from the dropdown, options available are:

  • 10 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 1 hour

  • 2 hours

  • 4 hours

  • 8 hours

  • 12 hours

The Session Timeout Period works with the following logic:

  • Agent has logged into the Toolbar

  • The session will renew every minute after that if:

    • The Agent has interacted with the Toolbar (mouse click)

    • If the Agent is in one of the following states: Talking, Dialing, On Hold or Wrapping (Calls only)

  • If the Agent last activity is found to exceed the Organisation Session Time Out based on the above, the Agent will be logged out of the Toolbar

The Session Time Out Period applies to:

  • Agent Toolbar

  • Workspace

Additional authentication settings are available in addition to a Password for Users and Agents.

For Single Sign-On with Microsoft Azure, see:

For Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) [TOTP or WebAuthn], see:
- For Agent configuration:
- For Workspace User configuration:

NOTE: Configuration of MFA is set individually per Agents and Users profile and can not be configured globally across the Organisation.

Password Complexity

All passwords for users and agents must include at least one:

  • Capital letter

  • Lower case letter

  • Numeric

  • Special character

When setting or updating a password, users will be presented with verification that the password meets the requirements:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 145625342.png

Password Validation will always ensure that the User Name, the First Name, or the Last Name are not used as a part (or the whole) of the password.

For example, for a user named Bob Willis, bob123 and abcWillis are not permissible passwords.

Character Groups

Password Security is used to enforce complexity in passwords by ensuring that they are composed of a mix of characters from multiple different groups:


  • Lower case alphabetic: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

  • Numeric: 0123456789

  • Other: []{}<>\/|;:',.?-_~*@

This table demonstrates how many possibilities a password can have; the number of possibilities directly affects the ability to guess a password.


Group(s) used

5 digit

8 digit

Level Four

a-z, A-Z, 0-9, [other]

7.34 billion

6,100 trillion

2.2 Active Directory settings

Entra ID Integration requires a Feature Flag to be enabled. Please contact your Account Manager or the Service Desk

These settings allow agents to have accessibility on their current organisation directory using Entra once enabled. Only users with enough authorisation can sync the Entra Directory manually.

An Entra Administrator can configure the application, please see: Entra ID Integration



Enable Active Directory

Check to enable the Entra ID Directory for Agent Toolbar


Directory provider. Currently only Entra ID Directory is available from this dropdown.

Tenant ID

The Entra Tenant ID is a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for the Microsoft 365 Tenant.

The ID is used to identify the Microsoft tenant and it's not the organisation name or domain name.

Client ID

The client ID is the unique Application (client) ID assigned to the app by Entra ID when the app was registered.

The Application (Client) ID can be found in the Entra subscription by Entra ID > Enterprise applications > Application ID.

Client secret

The Client secret value provided from Entra.


2.3 Single Sign-on (SSO) Workspace Configuration

Single Sign On Integration requires a Feature Flag to be enabled. Please contact your Account Manager or the Service Desk

ipSCAPE offers two providers in using Single Sign On. These providers will enable a session and authenticate the access to ipSCAPE, eliminating username and password prompts for individual access.

Once Single Sign On is enabled, users may select which provider is preferred, and a field of requirements will be presented to complete the setup specific to the provider selected.

Microsoft Entra



Directory ID

Directory ID is a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for the Microsoft 365 Tenant.

The ID is used to identify the Microsoft tenant and it's not the organisation name or domain name.

The Directory ID might be called different names in different applications or resources. For example, the Directory ID might be referred to as the Tenant ID, the Microsoft Entra tenant, Microsoft ID, or for certain reports, the tenantguid.

App ID

Application (client) ID, also called the client ID, uniquely identifies your application in the Microsoft identity platform.

The Application (Client) ID can be found in the Entra subscription by Entra ID > Enterprise applications > Application ID.

Mapping field

The value remains constant as “unique_name





Client ID

Client ID is the public identifier that is required for all OAuth flows. This identifier is randomly generated when you create the app integration.

Host name

Also called an Okta domain or Okta URL.

Client secret

This value is known only to Okta and your app integration.

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