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Dialler Strategies


The Dialler Strategies module allows you to create, edit, and maintain strategies that any outbound voice campaign can use to determine the way a dialler works with a leads list assigned to the campaign. 

A Dialler Strategy can be applied to several lead lists and can also be assigned as the default strategy for several outbound campaigns.

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Dialler Strategies from the Resources menu.

What is a Dialler Strategy?

A Dialler Strategy is used to set dialler outcome priorities on a list-by-list basis, rather than for the campaign as a whole. It allows campaign management to cater to lists of varied ages, where a contact centre gets new lists each week but would prefer to keep older lists in the campaign.  When a list has been dialled for several weeks there is typically very little value left in it. Any leads that haven't been completed are essentially un-contactable, however, any callbacks associated with the list should be dialled until contact is made. 

A Dialler Strategy can be used in many campaigns. It is applied to a list in the Campaign Configuration dialog.

There are four configuration items in the Dialler Strategy that can influence the Dialler. All of these four items are associated with their relevant Dialler Outcomes.

  • Recycle Time

  • Complete After

  • Priority

  • Recycle on Start.

Default Dialler Strategy Settings

These settings are inserted by default when you create a dialler strategy. They are used to ensure that the new strategy is immediately usable by the dialler, however, only you can decide which are the best settings for any particular lead list.

The campaign dialler setting, Complete After, dictates how many attempts to contact a lead are allowed before the lead is marked as completed. By default, this is set to 10 and overrides any Dialler Strategy settings.


Recycle Time

Complete After


Recycle on Start

New Record




No Result


Telco Error






No Answer


Answering Machine


Callback - Queue




Callback - Agent




 1. Add or Edit a Dialler Strategy

This feature allows you to create a new or update an existing dialler strategy.

Where to find this feature

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Dialler Strategies from the Resources menu.

  • To add a new strategy, click Add new dialler strategy button in the header.

  • To update an existing strategy, locate and select that strategy in the display and click the Edit icon to the right of the selected strategy.


These settings apply to the dialler, whether in predictive or preview mode, in an outbound campaign.




Enter a meaningful Name for the dialler strategy


Enter a Description that enables you and your colleagues to determine how this strategy is intended to be used.

Used In

This displays the names of any campaigns using the strategy and the timestamp when the strategy was last applied to a list in that campaign(s).

This field will only show actual usage if one or more lists in the campaign are using the dialler strategy, setting it as the default in the campaign does not constitute usage.

This is not configurable from Dialler Strategies, see Campaigns for more information about assigning stategies to a campaign

Dialler Strategy

System wrap codes

The Dialler Outcomes are system-generated wrap codes. It is not possible to create additional Dialler Outcomes. 

Recycle Time

The Recycle Time is the period of time for which the Dialler will wait (in days, hours, and minutes) before redialling calls with these outcomes.
For example, if a call has been defined as Abandoned and the Recycle Time for Abandoned is set to 0 Days, 2 Hours, and 00 Minutes, then this specific call will be dialled again two hours later. 

For each call outcome, a non-zero recycle time must be defined. You will be unable to save a dialler strategy until all recycle times are set to a value greater than zero.

Complete After

The Complete After is the maximum number of dialling attempts that are allowed for a specific Dialler Outcome. When a call reaches the Complete After limit, it will no longer be dialled.

When the Complete After is blank, the leads with the related Dialler Outcome can be dialled an undefined number of times.


The Priority is used to prioritise Dialler Outcomes. There are eight levels of priority that can be applied to the Dialler Outcome.
The Dial Order Parameter will use the Priority value to organise which leads need to be called.

  1. Leave the Priority setting on blank when you do not wish the dialler to call this outcome type

  2. Callbacks, when enabled, are always assigned priority 1

  3. The Complete After and Priority controls cannot be set to zero. Roll the mouse pointer over the control and an 'x' appears next to the control; click on this to reset the value to Null which ensures contacts with that outcome are not redialled

Recycle on Start

When the lead lists have been worked to a point where there are no new records and the agents are receiving no calls, the Recycle on Start can be used to recycle leads that are not marked as complete.

If the campaign is stopped and then restarted, the Recycle on Start will reset the date and time for the Dialler Outcomes that have the Recycle on Start option. 
Enabling this feature for a given call outcome resets the recycle time counter for that outcome for all calls so that all calls with that outcome immediately become due to be called again.

2. Display Dialler Strategies 

This feature allows you to navigate the list of dialler strategies created in the contact centre.

From this list, you can add, edit, or delete dialler strategies.

Where to find this feature

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Dialler Strategies from the Resources menu.

A list of Dialler Strategies is displayed. For each file, the list displays the following details:



Select/Deselect the strategy.

The selection icon is only available for strategies that are not currently being used by a campaign.


The strategy Name is displayed on the top line and the Description below it.

Updated By

The name (first name and last name) of the user who most recently edited the strategy.

Updated On

The date and time at which the strategy was most recently edited.

A breadcrumbs icon appears if the mouse pointer is hovered over a file record.
Click Edit to open the Edit Dialler Strategy dialog, or Delete to permanently remove the strategy.

Only strategies not currently used by a campaign can be deleted.

Quick Search

If you know the Title, enter it into the Quick Search field in the header and press Enter to locate the strategy with that name.

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