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IPscape Administrator Workspace Home



The IPscape workspace is used by supervisors and managers to build and maintain customer engagement workflows and campaigns. The workspace module also provides access to Reporting and Quality Assurance capabilities. 

Click on the items below to find out more about:

1. Dashboard

  1. Workspace main menu

  2. Search for an agent by name

  3. Global search

  4. Notifications

  5. User Menu

  6. Clear unsuccessful logouts

  7. Live Agent Status Summary - displays the current status of agents on calls, waiting, and available

  8. Live Agents Online Details - displays a list with the details of the agents currently online. Agents can be logged out from here by clicking the [ … ] icon

  9. Call Monitoring - if an agent is currently on a call, a link will display to launch call monitoring.

  10. Click Help to find more information from the Knowledge Hub

  11. Click to minimise or expand the side panel Workspace main menu

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