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Management modules allow you to manage the many artifacts produced for or by the campaigns.

The Management menu offers the following modules:


The Callbacks module allows you to manage the records of callbacks generated by your campaigns, including editing the time and date for the callback and whether the callback is assigned to an agent or a queue.


The Calls module allows you to manage the records of each interaction and any voice recordings made.


This Chats module allows you to manage the records of all chat sessions conducted and any retained chat transcripts.


The Emails module allows you to manage the records of each email interaction and locate, view, and review emails received and sent during the interaction.

Quality Assurance

This Quality Assurance module allows you to create QA questions and scoring, and allocate voice interactions to QA Agents for review, and allows QA Agents to listen to and score voice call recordings against the QA questions, and report on the results.


The Voicemails module allows you to manage voicemail recordings and create and manage leads arising from them.

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