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Say Text


This workflow object converts text, which can include numbers and data label values, to a sound file, and plays back the sound file to the caller. 

1. An Example Scenario

As opposed to a pre-recorded message as used by the Play Sound object and several other objects, the Say Text object uses a Text to Speech engine to generate a sound file for immediate replay to the caller. This allows the message to be a real-time message, e.g. "You are currently number 12 in the queue; your estimated wait time is 3 minutes." where '12' and '3 mins' are the values in the database at the time the message is generated. A subsequent message might then be, "You are currently number 4 in the queue, your estimated wait time is 1 minute." See the Text to Speech Guidelines for tips for making such a message more efficient by inserting sound files for the constant text.

 2. Add Workflow Object

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Workflows from the Resources menu.

  3. Select a workflow from the list displayed (you can also create a new one).

  4. Click the Preview icon next to your selected workflow. A schematic representation of the workflow is displayed.

  5. Click the Add New Object icon The New Workflow Object dialog opens.

  6. Select Say Text from the drop-down selection list.

When you include Say Text in your automated workflow, enter the following details:

Field Name

What you should do

Workflow Object Title

Enter a meaningful name for the object.

TTS Profile

Default voice is used for this but you can add new profile options using the Text to Text to Speech Profiles module

Text to be Spoken

Enter the text that you wish to be converted to speech, e.g. "Please enter your 9-digit membership number followed by the hash key."

Refer to the Text to Speech Guidelines 


Click on the generate icon. The sound file will be generated as a WAV file using Text-to-Speech technology. When ready, the new sound file is played once. If you are unsatisfied with the new sound file, edit the source text and regenerate the file. You can also download it by clicking on the Download icon.

Insert Data Label

Select from the drop-down list of available Data Labels. These are the reference names for data that is captured from earlier objects in the workflow such as: Capture Digits, Select Option, or Call External Function.

When selected, the relevant label will be inserted in the Spoken Text field at the current cursor location. When this object is subsequently executed, the label will be replaced with its current value, prior to converting the text to speech.

Click Save to keep your new object and to return to the Workflow Builder.

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