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Monitor Campaign


This workflow object allows a campaign manager or owner to dial a dedicated DNIS, be authenticated, and then listen to an active call in their campaign.

1. An Example Scenario

The Monitor Campaign object is used for managers that may not have access to the Workspace, to monitor calls for a specific campaign by calling a dedicated workflow. Once a call ends, a new call will be connected until the monitoring is ended.

2. Add Workflow Object

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Workflows from the Resources menu.

  3. Select a workflow from the list displayed (you can also create a new one). A schematic representation of the workflow is displayed.

  4. Click the Add Workflow Object button. The New Workflow Object dialog opens.

  5. Select Monitor Campaign from the drop-down selection list.

When you include Monitor Campaign in your automated workflow, enter the following details:

Field Name

What you should do

Workflow Object Title

Enter a meaningful name for your new object.

Campaign Name

Select the campaign that will be monitored using this DNIS.

Input Passcode Prompt

Select which sound will be played to prompt the Campaign Manager to enter the passcode.

Incorrect Passcode message

Select which sound will be played when an incorrect passcode is entered.

Welcome Message

Select which sound will be played when the correct passcode is entered.

Access Failed Message

Select which sound will be played when the maximum passcode entry retries has been reached.


Enter a passcode that the Campaign Manager will use to start monitoring mode.

Max Passcode retries

Select how many times an attempt to input a valid passcode will be allowed.

No Active Calls Message

Select which sound will be played when there are no active calls for the campaign.

Announce Agent ID

Click on the check box to enable the Agent ID announcement when a new contact interaction is monitored.

Click Save to keep your new object and to return to the Workflow Builder.

3. Monitor Agent Controls

Once a Supervisor is monitoring an agent, they can control the process by pressing the following keys on their phone keypad at any time:

  • 1# to enter another Agent ID

  • 5# to enable whisper functionality (Supervisor can talk to Agent the caller can't hear the supervisor but can still hear the agent talking)

  • 6# to enable barge functionality (Agent, Supervisor, and Caller can speak to each other)

  • 4# to return to the default listen-only functionality

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