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Go to Object


This workflow object provides a link to another object in the current workflow.

1. An Example Scenario

When a caller has performed an action incorrectly, e.g. entered an invalid number, then a Go To Object is useful to direct them back to an earlier object in the workflow, e.g. Capture Digits, so they can repeat the action.

2. Add Workflow Object

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Workflows from the Resources menu.

  3. Select a workflow from the list displayed (you can also create a new one). A schematic representation of the workflow is displayed.

  4. Click the Add Workflow Object icon. The New Workflow Object dialog opens.

  5. Select Go To Object from the drop-down selection list.

When including Go To Object in your automated workflow, enter the following details:


What you should do

Workflow Object Title

Enter a meaningful name for your new object.

Destination Object

Select the workflow object which will be the next one executed. The drop-down list box presents all available objects in the current workflow, identified by their Workflow Object Titles.

Click Save to keep your new object and to return to the Workflow Builder.

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