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Go to Alternative Workflow


This workflow object transfers the caller to an alternative workflow.

1. An Example Scenario

If an Interactive Join Queue object in the workflow has either a Maximum Hold Period (secs) or a Maximum Calls in Queue (count) that is being exceeded, and a subsequent Branch on Value is checked to see which condition caused the caller to pass to the next object, then a Go to Alternative Workflow is useful to direct each condition to a workflow purpose-built for that condition.

2. Add Workflow Object

  1. Open the Workspace.

  2. Select Workflows from the Resources menu.

  3. Select a workflow from the list displayed (you can also create a new one). A schematic representation of the workflow is displayed.

  4. Click the Add Workflow Object icon. The New Workflow Object dialog opens.

  5. Select Go To Alternative Workflow from the drop-down selection list.

When you include Go To Alternative Workflow in your automated workflow, enter the following details:


What you should do

Workflow Object Title

Enter a meaningful name for your new object.

Destination Workflow

Select the name of the workflow to be linked to.

Click Save to keep your new object and to return to the Workflow Builder.

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