Go to Alternative Workflow
This workflow object transfers the caller to an alternative workflow.
1. An Example Scenario
If an Interactive Join Queue object in the workflow has either a Maximum Hold Period (secs) or a Maximum Calls in Queue (count) that is being exceeded, and a subsequent Branch on Value is checked to see which condition caused the caller to pass to the next object, then a Go to Alternative Workflow is useful to direct each condition to a workflow purpose-built for that condition.
2. Add Workflow Object
Open the Workspace.
Select Workflows from the Resources menu.
Select a workflow from the list displayed (you can also create a new one). A schematic representation of the workflow is displayed.
Click the Add Workflow Object icon. The New Workflow Object dialog opens.
Select Go To Alternative Workflow from the drop-down selection list.
When you include Go To Alternative Workflow in your automated workflow, enter the following details:
Field | What you should do |
Workflow Object Title | Enter a meaningful name for your new object. |
Destination Workflow | Select the name of the workflow to be linked to. |
Click Save to keep your new object and to return to the Workflow Builder.