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Dialler Progress


This is a proprietary report that presents a visual representation of the current or final status of the most recent 100 dial attempts made. The rightmost bar represents the status of the most recent dial attempt.

Where to find this template

See Add a Report to your report page for instructions on accessing this report.

About a report based on this template

Filtering is available by:




There is no default filter set on this field

The statuses included in the report by default are:





This status applies while the dialler is actively dialling a number


This status applies when a call is answered by a human

Telco Error

This status applies when the Telco advises an error has occurred

No Answer

This status applies when a call attempt has lasted longer than 20 secs


This status applies when the busy signal is detected


This status applies when an agent cancels a manual call


This status applies when the dialler abandons a call that has been answered because there is no available agent

Answering Machine

This status applies when a call is answered by an answering machine

Dialler Hang Up

This status applies when the dialler hangs up after the call has been answered because the assigned agent is no longer available


This status applies when the line disconnected signal is detected

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