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Agent by Agent


This report can be used to see a summary of activities for selected agents and for a specified reporting period (e.g. one agent’s activities on Tuesday afternoon or the whole team’s activities for the preceding week). It uses the Agents dataset from the database.

This report calculates activity counts, activity duration totals, activity duration percentages, and the average time for each activity.

Where to find this template

See Add a Report to your report page for instructions on accessing this report.

About a report based on this template

This is a summary report with one row per agent when shown as a grid.

Filtering is available by:




Select the name of the campaign(s) you wish to be included in the report.  If campaign filtering is used some fields will not display a value. Totals are provided for call types, wrap codes and activity duration unless filtering is applied that makes the totals meaningless.


Select the name of the agent(s) you wish to be included in the report.


Refer to the Timestamp Report Filters for an explanation of these filters.
The default setting for this report is: To Date 7 Days.


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