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Agent Performance Wallboard


This wallboard report presents a visual summary of the current status of a specified set of online agents and the duration since their last status change. It also provides a count of the agents in each status.

The agent statuses presented are: Waiting, Talking, Wrapping, Pause, Preview, Dialling, Manual Preview, Hold, Email, and Chat.

Where to find this template

See Add a Report to your report page for instructions on accessing this report.

About a report based on this template

Filtering is available by:




There is no default filter set on this field


There is no default filter set on this field


Display campaign name for Agents in Talk, Wrap, etc.

The campaign name is presented as a tooltip when the mouse is hovering over an agent name while they are in Talking, Wrapping, and Dialling state:

Display Agent ID on Wallboard

To display the Agent ID next to the Agent Name on the Wallboard, the following setting should be enabled in the Report configuration:





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