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ipSCAPE Vault is a storage solution that enables the easy storage and retrieval of call recordings and data, with management features to enable users to search, filter and organise items to achieve organisations compliance objectives.

This page details how to enable a User for access to the Vault product via the ipSCAPE Workspace.

To see the Vault user guide, please go to:

1. How to enable Vault

Please contact your Account Manager or the ipSCAPE Service Desk for further information or to enable Vault for your environment.

2. Where to find Vault

When activated ipSCAPE Vault can be found from the main menu sidebar on the Workspace within any module.

3. Who can access Vault

Access to Vault can be enabled in the User Role under Extras:

4. How to access Vault as a Workspace User

Once enabled for a User in their User Role, Vault can be accessed from the sidebar menu anywhere within the Workspace. Vault will open in a new tab within the Users browser:

For more information on how to use the Vault product, see

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