Billing: Calls by Campaign, Date, IDD
This report provides data on the outbound activities for a specified reporting period.
Where to find this template
See Add a Report to your report page for instructions on accessing this report.
About a report based on this template
This is a Summary report with one line per Campaign + Date + IDD. It uses the Activities dataset from the database.
Filtering is available by:
Filter | Recommendation |
Campaign | Select one or more from the list of campaigns |
Agent | Select one or more from the list of available agents |
Call Direction | The available options are: in, out, unknown. The default setting is Out. |
Call Type | The available options are: agent call, call, diverted call, diverted queue call, email, extension, manual call, outbound, SFDC outbound. |
Timestamp | Refer to the Timestamp Report Filters for an explanation of these filters. The default setting for this report is: To Date 7 Days. |